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The Piano Chosen by Tchaikovsky

The rich history of Knabe began over 200 years ago in Kreuzberg, Germany, where Wilhelm Knabe was born. Knabe mastered the art of piano casework and manufacturing as an apprentice. After immigrating to the United States, he worked for the renowned piano maker Henry Hallet. Later, he partnered with Henry Gehr to establish the Knabe & Gehr Piano Company. At Carnegie Hall in New York, when Tchaikovsky served as the chief conductor, he specifically requested the use of Knabe pianos.


The President's Piano

The piano has long been a fixture in the White House, with many U.S. presidents being skilled pianists. Over the years, several American presidents have kept Knabe pianos in the White House, including Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Clark Hoover, and Lyndon B. Johnson.

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