integrity and compliance

A Century-Old Family Craft

The Steingraeber & Söhne Piano Factory is located in Bayreuth, Germany, a small town in Bavaria famous for the Wagner Festival. Established in 1852, the brand remains a family-owned business to this day. In addition to Wagner, music masters such as Liszt and Richard Strauss were also devoted admirers of Stangelepp pianos.


The Finest of the Finest

Since 1867, Steingraeber & Söhne pianos have won numerous international awards. France's piano evaluations and tests are the most renowned and rigorous in the world. Experts are hired to assess pianos produced globally, and the winners of each category receive the "CHOC" title.Steingraeber & Söhne pianos have won this honor multiple times, being recognized as the finest of the finest, proving that they are truly among the best pianos in the world today.

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